Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8, 2014

On Sunday we had a family birthday party at the McDaniel's.  Rich, his niece, Angie (?), his grandson, Ben, and his grand niece, Ella, were all celebrating birthdays.

Rich was also celebrating finishing the 500 Mini Marathon the day before.  Go, Rich!

After the party, I went home and continued working on the desk and table  for the trailer.

I finished staining and varnishing the desk and table around  5 on Monday, but they had to dry for 24 hours before installation.

Luckily, our friend Greg was still in town.  He helped Steve get them into the trailer and into position for Steve to install.   Here they are set up as we'll use them.

I'll have to take another picture when it's not so bright out.  But they are working great!  Steve found these contraptions and installed one in each corner.

Each has two electric outlets and two usb ports.  No more crawling under the desk to plug stuff in.  Way cool!

We're at the Pla-mor Campground near Bremen, IN.  Here's the view out our window.

This is a large RV campground.  It has two fishing ponds (catch and release) and one swimming pond, plus playgrounds, horseshoe pits and mini-golf.  And a driving range.  It's in the middle of Amish country.  For early in the season, there are a number of rigs here.  There are some permanent residents, but everything looks well kept.  They appear to be spacing out us transients so that we're not parked right next to each other.  There's no one on one side of us and there are 3 or 4 spaces between us and the next rig over on the other side.  

We'll move to the Elkhart County Fairgrounds tomorrow for the RV Boot Camp.  It's supposed to be just a gravel lot with hookups, but it's close to the seminars and that's what we're here for.

It's warm and the air conditioner seems to be working, but there's a really strong wind.  The wind is whistling around the trailer and sometimes shakes it.  This is the precursor to the storms and tornadoes that are hitting the middle of the country.  We're supposed to have thunderstorms tomorrow, which will also cool us off.  High today was 88.

Steve's trying to take Obi for a walk and he's not exactly enthusiastic.  Poor Obi.  He was okay to leave the house with me this morning, but planted all fours when he realized we were headed for the truck!  While he's still not happy about riding in the truck, he no longer shakes and usually naps on our trips.  He is getting older though.  He's slow going up the stairs at home and sometimes needs to be carried.  I'm trying to train him to stay downstairs if I tell him to when I go up to move laundry or make some other quick trip.  He's beginning to catch on. (I think.)

That's all for now.  Take care!
