We had a quiet day here at Beaver Dam. We decided to stay here for another day while a front with high winds blew through from Dallas. Pulling the trailer isn't bad with the truck, but high winds would complicate things considerably.
We took a walk with Obi, who for once seem to want to take a walk. He typically doesn't like to let the trailer out of sight.
I find looking at water very soothing, so I did a lot of that. The water was very blue, reflecting the cloudless sky. Then I would see patches of gray, ruffled water. Since there were no clouds, this must have been the wind. You could watch the patch of rough, gray water move across the lake.
Tonight we're packing up for a 2 week stay with Natasha. We'll store the trailer and stay with her. So we have to pack up clothes and the refrigerator. Steve will be heading back to Lafayette this weekend for a board meeting on Monday. Lafayette also got the front we experienced, except they got it with 2 inches of snow.
Steve received a text from the sheriff's office that north and south traffic lights were hard to see as they were covered with snow. And that a lot of lights had lost power. My condolences to those in the Midwest.
The sun just set over the lake. No clouds, so not a spectacular sunset, just a calming one.
I'll blog from Dallas.