Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We are home in West Lafayette!  We arrived mid afternoon on Monday and started unpacking the trailer.

We spent Saturday with Molly, Nick, Will, Clara and Fritz in Johnson City, TN.  The kids and Nick had built a really tall snow man, but it’s head fell off before I got a chance to photograph it.  Although there was enough snow to build a snowman, there wasn’t any on the roads, so traveling around wasn’t a problem.

The kids were delighted to see Obi and we thank Molly and Nick for letting us bring him along.  Will was wise enough to ask how old Obi was and upon learning that he’s 77 in human years, all the kids were especially gentle with him.  They took turns reading him to sleep!

Obi seemed to enjoy it and stayed quietly in his bed, occasionally looking in the direction of the reader.

Molly made us a delicious butternut squash soup for lunch.  We ordered pizza and took it out to the trailer for dinner, as the kids wanted to see the RV.  Now they want one!  Sorry, Molly and Nick!

On Sunday, we got up and headed for home.  The snow was all gone and it was a bright sunny day.  We have been blessed with mostly gorgeous weather and scenery.

We drove through Cumberland Gap National Park on our way.  These were a few of the deer that were near the visitors center.

The Cumberland Gap led pioneers to Kentucky and other lands beyond the Appalachian Mountains.  Daniel Boone blazed this and other trails through the mountains and established several communities.

I look at the landscape and am amazed at the people who came through here.  We forget that, for the most part, they were traveling by foot.  Walking.  Hundreds of miles.  Daniel Boone was born in Pennsylvania, moved to North Carolina with his parents, and lived there, in Kentucky, West Virginia and Missouri, traveling mostly on foot.  No GPS, no maps, only animal trails to follow.  And existing with whatever you could carry on your back or horse if you were lucky enough to have one.

I much prefer our trailer!


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

We are at Rocky Top Campground, Blountsville, TN, about half an hour from Molly and Nick.  We got here yesterday and it rained most of the night.

This morning, when I took Obi out, this is what greeted me:


Normally this area doesn’t get it’s first snow until Christmas, according to the local weather man last night.   Must be time to head south.

We’re headed over to see Molly and Nick in a little while.  Just wanted to share this picture.
